Saturday, November 14, 2015

Soul(ful) Notes

I got the words "step sister" on my first blue ticket.  I don't have a step sister, so I decided to get a new ticket:


I actually hate the word soul.
I also hate the words, "darling", "vibes", and "rad".

if "eyes are the windows to the soul" and I have brown eyes, does that mean I have a shitty soul?
does that mean I share similar souls with more that fifty percent of the world?

I know that your eyes are blue,
and I know you're afraid of the water,
and I know that you're afraid of what's inside
and so am I

you have an entire ocean inside you, and I can't swim.

Lose Your Soul - Dead Man's Bones


  1. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    In a good way

  2. soooooo good.

    and just so you know, I'm obsessed with brown eyes. I think they're underrated.

  3. if "eyes are the windows to the soul" and I have brown eyes, does that mean I have a shitty soul?

    mmmmmmm preach!

  4. holy crap i loved this my my my oh my.

    can i steal this whole thing.

    also dead man's bones is best.

  5. Thank you I hate quotes like that.

    I freaking love this.

    So much to steal.

  6. woah okay i really love this. short post, but felt so much.

    (also i hate all those words too)
