Monday, September 28, 2015

a "poem" for you

a "poem" for you.  7-9-15

on my journal's front page
it says, "express what's in
your heart." it's from a Dove
chocolate. it's raining outside
my window, and inside my
brain. you are my bed sheets
and you are the pen that's
writing this. you are
100 sheets of blank paper
and you are the drawing
on my wall.
I know this is pathetic
because, 1. on the back of a
DI receipt and 2. I
can't write well. 3. you
            I love you



Sunday, September 20, 2015

six word memoirs x4

“you are my favorite art piece”

“i shouldn’t have got her number”

“pink is not a girl color”

“thinking about the future scares me”


a video I made of me driving down American Fork canyon.

song: Baby Blue by King Krule

Saturday, September 12, 2015





The only "fist fight" I've gotten in was with a boy named Casey in kindergarten, over crayons.

I can't remember the context before the fight, but I remember him pulling my hair, and me punching the boy, twice my size, in the stomach.  Of course we got in trouble and had to talk to the principal.
I don't like hurting people, and I don't like using crayons. 

dear Casey and 5 year old self, 

I'm sorry for growing up
I don't know why we do,
and I can't help it. 
I wrote down some things you shouldn't forget, maybe it'll make up for it:

•don't forget to give mom hugs and to spend time with dad
•don't feel bad that your birthday is in the summer, celebrating birthdays is over rated
•brush your teeth
•find what you love to do
•tell girls they're pretty
•read more books
•love yourself
•pay attention in school

Monday, September 7, 2015


now I'm no weatherman but you're my sunshine
I know that when I'm with you, there is an 80% chance of smiles and a 20% chance of running into someone we know

and I'm not a writer but I write about you every day.
I write rough drafts and final drafts,
I write novels and blog posts too

I'm no astronomer but you are my stars, my moon, and my sun
you're the constellations on my skin
and you are the hubble telescope

and I'm no firefighter but I would put out the fires in your mind that burn your thoughts
and I would jump through flames and smoke just to be with you

And I don't actually know what I want to be when I grow up,
and I don't know when "growing up" stops
and kind of that scares me,
but I do know that I want to be with you when we grow up.
maybe that's in one day and maybe that's in one year
but stay with me

but could the weatherman have predicted hurricanes like you or storms like me?
could he have predicted the chaos we caused together?
I think the wildfires are too out of control for any firefighter to extinguish.
as the tears burn down her cheeks I knew the fires had reached her heart
and I knew no writer could write a love story like ours

Saturday, September 5, 2015

from the top of your head to the bottom of my feet

I wanted to incorporate these quotes into this blog post somehow:

"Don’t judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes"

"You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it"  -Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird (1960)

because I think shoes and hats are similar, like how hearts and minds are similar:
similar in the way that they both start "working" when we are in love
and how they stop working when we are "in love".

how sleep and feeling tired are similar:
"I could get a hundred hours of sleep and still feel tired as hell".
maybe you're not tired for sleep
maybe you're simply tired of people judging you before walking in your shoes or wearing your hat
maybe we need to learn how to tie our own laces and find hats that fit us again.

steve jobs wore a size 14 shoe
michael jordan wears a size 13
babe ruth wore a size 11
michael jackson wore a size 9.5

do great things come with great shoe sizes?
apparently so; but will someone please tell my size 9 that he didn't make the list.
please let him know it's not his fault that he won't make a difference
let him know he's still loved
and that one day maybe he will achieve greatness like those before him, no matter the size.